This session was full of both of those! This sweet 5 month old could not stop giving me her smiles and I could tell she was a happy baby! See what I mean??
Some of my favorite family shots...
Mama and her sweet girl
LOVE this one...I didn't even have to tell her to kiss her Mama!
Daddy's girl
Sweet smile
I'm not sure about this lady behind the camera...:)
Each session is a learning experience as I continue to grow as a photographer. But if I could have a session like this one EVERY time...I would be one happy lady. I was a little nervous at the beginning because I had to bring my two kiddos with me and they were in the car...lollipop in I knew I had a very small window before breakdowns would begin. This family is a beautiful family full of smiles, the lighting was perfect and it was a gorgeous fall day. We were in and out of there in 15 minutes and I had a ton of great shots to choose from. Here are some of my favorites!
Brother and Sister Love My brother and I are about the same age difference apart and I know my mom has plenty of shots like this! So cute!
I am surrounded by boys all day long so it is always refreshing when I get to photography a beautiful girl. Baby M is the sweet baby girl of one of my dear friends. She just turned 9 months and she was the perfect model.
I was so excited when my good friend introduced me to this new location in East Shore. I love it!! I also loved playing with my buddy that is 15 months old and such a happy toddler! Here are some of my favorite shots.
What a beautiful family...
Love it...
How fun!
Mama and her little man
The boys
He is checking out the cool little man in my camera...
This little ten month old is just TOO CUTE FOR WORDS! He was all boy...interested in dirt and leaves more than me! But that is too be expected when you are exploring the world! His mommy could not have been sweeter and I love getting to meet such neat people. Check out his sweet smile...
I can't tell you how many one year olds I have photographed over the last few months. I love it because they are right around Pierson's age. If you need advice on what to wear for a photo session...look at Baby C. I LOVED his bright fall colored sweater. Here are some of my favorites from our shoot...
My personal favorite...
I continue to be blessed with such warm response to my photography. This little one was a friend of a friend of a friend...did you get that?? Thanks so much to all of my friends who keep referring me! You are the best!