Monday, November 22, 2010

Dynegy, anyone?

Corey asked me the other day if I had any friends that 
who did not used to work for Dynegy, 
or were not married to someone who worked for Dynegy or 
who did not work in the energy business.

I have to is hard to come up with people!  
For those who don't know me that well, my dad used to work for Dynegy for a long time 
and I worked there two summers in college.  
I met some of my best friends there and 
some really great people that I still keep in touch with.

Valerie is no exception...she is a great girl that I have known since 
my summer internship when I was 18.  
I was thrilled to take pictures of her sweet one year old boy, Mason.

Girls, here is the secret to be as thin as her son! :)
He is FAST and kept me on my toes!


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